I’m often asked questions about Twitter and its 140-character magic. How does it work? How can I use it for my business? I realise that some people just don’t understand it or they can’t see the benefit. But here’s the thing: Twitter is within us all, and we all do it, every day, even if […]
If You Can Talk, You Can Tweet.
Filed Under: Post Of The Day, Social media, Todd, Twitter, WarwickTweetup Tagged With: business, conversation, eavesdrop, magic, talk, text, text messages, Twitter
Social Media Proves English Majors Aren’t Giving Up
This is one story of an English major that actually has a happy ending. As an English major, I’ve heard it all. “So, what do plan do actually do with that?” “So are you planning to teach?” “Oh, so you like to read.” “How do you expect to pay back your loans?” I became used […]
Filed Under: Nicole Schultz, Post Of The Day Tagged With: business, computer science, English, English major, job search, opportunity, Social Media